What’s in your Hand?

A journey of Faith: Embracing Divine Potential in the Ordinary


I am currently in the process of realigning / rediscovering God. A ship that once drifted away in the waves of doubt must now find its anchor.

It's been far from perfect, as I often find myself falling into the same pitfalls over and over again. Often feeling helpless and feeling it will take a miracle to save me.
This plays out in more than just my spiritual journey, and I can say I'm not unique in this. We all find ourselves in similar patterns, be it financially, academically, or with every other goal we commit to. Sometimes we find the strength to carry on, but most times we are powerless.

Reflecting on the significance of the passages Exodus 3 and 4:2-5, which showcase God's transformative power and His tendency to employ the ordinary for extraordinary purposes, I was particularly struck by the question God posed to Moses, "What is in your hand?" This inquiry, within the context of God's directive to liberate His people, resonated deeply with my personal journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.
From this passage, several significant lessons emerge:

Personal reflection

As I navigate the waves of doubt and search for my anchor, I am reminded of the profound truth within this passage. It serves as a powerful metaphor for recognizing the potential within ourselves and the resources at our disposal. Just as God used Moses' staff to perform miracles, He can use our talents, skills, and abilities to accomplish His purposes.

The question, "What is that in your hand?" prompts us to examine what we already possess and how we can leverage it for greater good. It challenges us to step out in faith, trusting that God can take the ordinary aspects of our lives and use them in extraordinary ways.

In my own journey, I have often felt inadequate and ill-equipped for the tasks before me. Questions and doubts often arise, such as, "Am I truly qualified to be the bearer of this message?" or "Why would anyone listen to my words?" There's a fear of being overlooked or not perceived as valuable, accompanied by thoughts like, "I'm just a learner, how much knowledge can I impart?" and "I'm not capable enough." These doubts manifest in various forms, but the underlying sense of insufficiency, often termed imposter syndrome, acts as a significant barrier to progress in any endeavor.

Yet, this passage reminds me that God is not limited by my shortcomings. He can take whatever I offer Him – however small or insignificant it may seem – and use it for His glory.
Just as Moses' staff was transformed into a tool of liberation, so too can we see God work miracles through our lives when we surrender our gifts and abilities to Him.
Similarly, when we summon the courage to step out and employ our gifts, skills, and talents, lives can be transformed.
It is a call to action, urging us to fully embrace our role in God's plan and to step boldly into the purpose He has ordained for us.





Oh my, yes! This verse lets me know that there is a difference between faith and resignation. 💫💫💫


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